no light

No Light In The Shadows

Well, the buy war bonds philosophy was a big
hit a long time ago; it wouldn't work now. Too
much water over that bridge. Maybe a private
tax! Buy the soldiers body armor, a few fitted
trucks, maybe even some fresh fruit. All in the
effort not to lose the war.

But then, it used to be that if you lost a war, you
lost everything, a lot more than money, which
made buying bonds a win win situation: if your
side lost... what did it matter? But if your side
won you'd be compensated by the status quo,
and a small profit on your investment. Win, win.

Now, wars are never won, they go on and on
and on with the Draconian loss of human lives
and the brash disappearance of tremendous
amounts of needed cash. The money sneaks
into the corporate pocket, and the bags with the
bodies are sneaked home.

Nobody sees nothing.