Sonneggstrasse Poetry

I was in this sleep study program...

...a kinky study examining the effects of caffeine and the lack of sleep. They told me that I was a perfect specimen. An aging man, body abused by the exaggerated use of alcohol and drugs, sex, caffeine and nicotine; a proficient glutton, a scanner, a winner, and a sure fire skinner. I wasn't impressed.

At home, she sighed at my hesitation. What's the problem? All you have to do is sleep. ...and so...

Sonneggstrasse Poetry

...twenty days at home, abstaining, practicing motor skills, studying for the study. Ten more days in the sleep laboratory, testing, poking and abstaining. In all thirty days of abstention, detention, reprehension. It was harsh and unreasonable, and a sharp wedge slipped into my trust of her encouragement.

But it ended, and bless her, she took a day off work, gathered all the enrichments, and somewhere in that night told me what a Samson I was... how soon we forget.